Although the activity copy paste really in blog was not permitted in seo or search engine optimization because this caused duplicate content. However sometimes we want to posting repeated an article that we could from mailing list or the news directory because you thought relevant with the topic blog you. While you included his source I thought not your problem did this. just you must think about how him to search engine crawler that did index your page did not index this page. You possibly thought I did not need the traffic from search engine for the article copy paste this because I have had the visitor continue to. So needed for you to protect this page to protect the ranking blog you in search engine.

Well Come in Kediri Education Blogging 2009
Informasi Pelatihan: 081359504954
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Protected the ranking blog
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: activity, blog, optimization
Friday, 19 December 2008
Increased the Production Blog you
TIPS DAN TRIK BISNIS ONLINE knew that adspeedy this was the network of whichever advertisement if having the visitor mengklik the available advertisement, then we would dibayar. was indeed us must have the "online shop personally" like blogger, wordpress, website, dll. good him again, first the list, we were given by the balance as big as 5000 rupiah direct in advertiser. could direct we with for iklanin our product.. :D and was fitur that was again interesting, we could also act for 2 job at the same time, that is could as advertiser (if we wanted beriklan.contoh: sold our product, or cuman just advertised blog we) and publisher (if we wanted to put on the advertisement in blog we). was them facilitated us.
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: advertisement, blog, blogger, tips, website, wordpress
Friday, 12 December 2008
Blog is placed on the basis of normally
In Blog was the site web in whichever thing is placed on the basis of normally and was displayed in overturned the chronological place. The Really blog was the form that was shortened weblog or the network of the stick of wood. Wrote blog, maintained blog or added the article to was blog was called “blogging”. Individual's article in blog was called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. The person who sent these participants was called “blogger”. Blog consisted of the text, the hyper-text, the comparison, and relations (to the page web other and to the video, audio and the other bundle). The Blogs use the style of documentation conversation. Often blogs menumpukan in especially “area interest”, like Washington, D.C.’s politics goings-in. Several blogs discussed the personal experience.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Tips optimal blog or website
Tips For crowling in search engine, so if you want optimal blog or website kita akan search engine friendly atau bisa ter-crowl oleh serach engine with true. Reconfiguration for structure permalink into the website, so you can recondition search engine with keyword search engine, design footer agar search engine friendly.
1. First was about the modification of the structure permalink in blog we. Sometimes we find the structure permalink that was not tightened with the title of the article or post that was made for example like the structure along with this:
With the structure permalink that like that then crawling that was done by search engine will be better, because directly search engine could see the title postingan we. So his modification could be carried out so as his structure to as being supervised this:
2. That was second was by using the title postingan in each page. For this method we could use Optimal title plugin. So as the search crawl could to your site because of the position keyword that was relevant was in front of words that not be connected with keyword.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Tips For Design Blog
This Tips For Design Blog can make you enjoy. methods and scooped up Big Sucses You had blog? And want to blog you experienced the big success? Definitely you all akan nodded the head of the sign agreed and menjawab,” Ya!!! ” Nah, afterwards definitely pertanyaan that was put forward following how carried him out? If true like that that anda asked, please the clique of the title of the article above.
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Blog For study Tomorow Day
To study nge blog you must be very hard-working in mengupdatdate your data every day so that eventually could be accessed in link in the position google adsense and yahoo. Because of that the lesson about blog really gave didikan that was good in helping the student to always creative and for active. Both in the research and encouraged the development of the child tomorow day.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Get a Higher PageRank?
It’s juga tentang kualitas. 1 Backlink dari PageRank 5 Tempat, akan menjadi begitu banyak lebih baik lalu 50 backlinks dari tempat sebesar PR 0. More Backlinks, Lebih tinggi PageRank! Google memperlihatkan kepada daftar semua tempat memerintahkan dasar di PageRank.Backlink menolong tempat kami untuk diindeks dengan Pencarian mesin lebih cepat. Itu adalah hal pertama bagi anda untuk tahu. Sebagai kata saya terlebih dahulu sekitar apa ialah backlink baik untuk (it’s tinjauan saya bagi John blog), backlinks menolong kami blog untuk diindeks oleh Google lebih cepat. Tak ada soal bagaimana baik tempat anda ialah, tanpa yang mana pun backlink dari lain tempat, it’s seperti tempat anda adalah mal baik di hutan dalam. Begitu sukar bagi orang untuk menemukan dan mengunjungi tempat anda. Bagaimana caranya untuk mendapat Higher PageRank? Anda harus makan begitu banyak backlinks untuk tempat anda. Lebih banyak backlinks, lalu lebih banyak pagerank! Tetapi tidak adalah kuantitas sebetulnya.
2 of Tips Guerrilla Marketing To Blog
- Utilised link the address blog as the email signature you. Almost all the email platforms at this time gave the ease to his users to make signature at the bottom of the email. With added link (yes, certainly that clickable, don't only an address) the address blog you in signature the email with the choice tag line that was interesting, big the possibility of each one of your email recipients will be interested to meng-clique of the address blog this and it was not impossible afterwards to become the loyal reader blog you.
- Add the address blog you to your visiting card. This method in fact has been normal but will become different if you gave the touch that was interesting in the choice tag line the address blog you. His key, just should not write the address blog, but gave the short description that tempted your visiting card recipient to visit blog you. If you did not yet have the visiting card, perhaps this during that was exact to make him.
Many of our methods of loading Rank
Many of our methods of loading Rank we among them many often commented so as we got BACKLINK from the owner blog that was given by us commented, Tahukah you what of BACKLINK? Backlink was link that headed to-BLOG belonging to us who were met in blog where our place gave the comment, so by giving the comment then with cara Indirectly we gave link returned headed towards BLOG belonging to us ourselves, nah this was the profit that was obtained by us apart from could load the number of our visitors also can load RANK we. Because what?? Setalah several hours after we commented then GOOGLE would Meng-Indeks your comment in blog they, provided that commented that you berika not one of SPAM, if being detected as SPAM then would not in the index by google therefore if giving the comment better should not give the SPAM comment because could damage kita,"eh has been very tired koment but ga dapet BACKLINK.
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Search Engine really played a big role in bringing the visitor in to blog/web
Search Engine really played a big role in bringing the visitor in to blog/web we, because what? Everywhere the person looked for an information or something that wanted to be looked for by them through Search Engine could him most in Google. Nah to become the number of one in Search Engine not was the problem that was easy we must the hard work by that, what next if our rival has had Page Rank 4 or 5 et cetera... whereas we were blogger just that want to fast rose the position. With Search Engine anything could be looked for by us from the road to-HEAVEN as far as-HELL then was there.. (haha).
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: blog, google, search engine, visitor, web
Vertically Menu was the choice of the normal menu was used in website
Vertically Menu was the choice of the normal menu was used in website-website that had many choices of the menu inside, vertical the menu had the shape of the choice of the menu that descended down if being touched by us with used mouse we.. with us used vertical this menu then we will get the choice of the menu that many to blog kita Nah I will give his production method in blog.. followed his method and his steps thoroughly, with you joined definitely him you will not get the difficulty in the editing of the CSS code nya Enter Akun Blogger Anda and chose layout continued to search edited HTML.
rename your blog name with name blog you.
Database Open Source News
During the occurence of the agenda NXTcomm 2008 Tradshow, in Las Vegas in 2008, the Microsystem Kiss announced the availability of MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition 6,3, that was the newest version from the application databse Open Source that was designed especially to be used as poerator the Telecommunications got his certification. Pengguinaannya like the system of Subcriber Data Management (HLR, HSS) Service Delivert Platform.
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: database, las vegas, microsystem, mysql, tradshow
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Human-computer interaction is a fairly young discipline
Research Notes you can link...
- Tomorow for HCI Notes
- new The PIM Notes
- Research for Aid Material
- Data and link Presenting your thesis or dissertation
- Links to resources to assist you in writing metode education,courtesy of First Monday
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: dissertation, hci, pim, presenting, research
Kediri, Education blogs alias Internet dapat uang
As you know, as teachers and instructional designers we're a big part of the education field and sometimes less part of the library "industry.", yet we tend to read our own blogs, publications and go to our own conferences.Like that was known by us, as the subject teacher of the designer was most from the educational field and sometimes was part of the "industrial" library"." , Whereas once we tended to read blog we ourselves, the publication and went to our conference personally. So yes, I know - you already have enough to read, enough to do - boots for those looking to better align yourself with the field of education, so yes, I knew - you have had was enough to read, was enough to do - but for them that want to more equated himself with the educational field because that followed Pelatiham the Blog production in Kediri East Java that the implementation was begun in December 2008. at a cost of the training Rp.150.000,- was hoped for by the city community and the Kediri regency could for aktif. especially them that in the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, SMU and the Company that wanted to increase the income from blog him.
The bottom line was the quality
What was meant with "The bottom line was the quality" of "good teaching and could be utilised by the media in sending his aspirations." The problem pedagogies in produced superior results studied to membantun in studying pedagogies passive. If the System pembelajaran online then the class will have more interesting teaching, pembelajaran online was better and Interesting. If this strategy indicated the face and the new face of the system pembelajaran in the class, contact of the appearance instruction was better.
Posted by
Monsterad Paramoly
Labels: education, good, online, passive, pedagogies, teaching
Monday, 17 November 2008
Along with several tips that possibly could be considered:
- Start from beneath previously (start small! ). Don't too much was loaded with the certain quantity like that was carried out blogger that has been senior/famous. If you just could write very much two weeks, please, just continued.
- Write the topic that was liked by you. Please wrote concerning matters that really had an interest taken in him by you. Don't forced the topic that by chance was successful was written by blogger other and successful. If you liked to write the matter fashion, for example, why must you write the matter games? If you liked to write the matter of music why you must write the matter gadget?