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Well Come in Kediri Education Blogging 2009

Informasi Pelatihan: 081359504954

Sunday 23 November 2008

2 of Tips Guerrilla Marketing To Blog

  1. Utilised link the address blog as the email signature you. Almost all the email platforms at this time gave the ease to his users to make signature at the bottom of the email. With added link (yes, certainly that clickable, don't only an address) the address blog you in signature the email with the choice tag line that was interesting, big the possibility of each one of your email recipients will be interested to meng-clique of the address blog this and it was not impossible afterwards to become the loyal reader blog you.
  2. Add the address blog you to your visiting card. This method in fact has been normal but will become different if you gave the touch that was interesting in the choice tag line the address blog you. His key, just should not write the address blog, but gave the short description that tempted your visiting card recipient to visit blog you. If you did not yet have the visiting card, perhaps this during that was exact to make him.