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Well Come in Kediri Education Blogging 2009

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Sunday, 23 November 2008

Many of our methods of loading Rank

Many of our methods of loading Rank we among them many often commented so as we got BACKLINK from the owner blog that was given by us commented, Tahukah you what of BACKLINK? Backlink was link that headed to-BLOG belonging to us who were met in blog where our place gave the comment, so by giving the comment then with cara Indirectly we gave link returned headed towards BLOG belonging to us ourselves, nah this was the profit that was obtained by us apart from could load the number of our visitors also can load RANK we. Because what?? Setalah several hours after we commented then GOOGLE would Meng-Indeks your comment in blog they, provided that commented that you berika not one of SPAM, if being detected as SPAM then would not in the index by google therefore if giving the comment better should not give the SPAM comment because could damage kita,"eh has been very tired koment but ga dapet BACKLINK.